Jay Mcinnes

Mobile: 604-771-4606


Thank You & Go Against The Grain!

Thank You & Go Against The Grain!

Thank you to all of our clients of 2020! We want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the trust you gave us in all of your Real Estate needs of 2020. We thoroughly appreciate the fact that you are interested in our point of view on the market and all of the statistics we provide. Thank you for the opportunity to market your properties for sale. Thank you for the opportunity to negotiate contract, terms & prices on your behalf. And thank you for allowing us into your lives on this level to assist you in dealing with the most expensive assets that you own. We are grateful.

Due to all of this trust we were able to achieve the Medallion Club award, highlighting the top 10% of all Realtors in Greater Vancouver. Without your trust we would not have been able to achieve this great award.

So additionally we need to take this time to discuss going against the grain in the current market. The traditional Spring Market is in March. However yeat after year this peak time in market activity has been starting to pick up earlier & earlier. So this year we are telling you to  go against the grain and get your properties out and advertised on the market NOW! Be on market before the beginning of February or in the first half of February. There is plenty of pent up Buyer demand even after we saw the highest number of transactions in December 2020 EVER. 

There was still a shortage if good inventory out on the market and if you have some, bring it out. These buyers are impatiently waiting as there was such a lul in the market throughout last year with people really hesitating to bring properties to market amongst the confusion of the pandemic.

Pricing is still on its way up after beginning to increase back to pre-pandemic highs last year. They are not there yet but they are on their way. Money has simply gotten MUCH cheaper since this pandemic has begun also. And what happens when the money supply gets cheaper?? 
People take it…. EVERY... SINGLE… TIME! So people are cashed up with cheap interest rates, piece of mind that they will be able to sell their homes due to December activity & lack of inventory and they are out looking to purchase today! So be proactive, go against the grain & list your home for sale and take advantage of the market before the masses jump on board, come March as they traditionally do.

With that we will leave it here and look forward to seeing you again next week for our next Sold Journeys episode!!

Until next week,

Jay Mcinnes
T: 604.771.4606

Ben Robinson
T: 604.353.8523