Jay Mcinnes

Mobile: 604-771-4606


E#256 - The Death of Housing and Healthcare Access

Topic Article: https://financialpost.com/diane-francis/trudeau-immigration-housing-health-breaking-point

The Death of Housing & Healthcare access 

Diane Francis published the above article titled: Immigration pushing housing, healthcare to the breaking point. the following are the notes made in the creation of the video at the bottom. It's probably just easier to watch the video in place of read this blog, FYI. 

As a disclaimer, focus on the housing aspect over the healthcare aspect of this article is that I will be focusing on in the post below, which I hope would be obvious. In addition I have selected specific paragraphs from the above article, here below. If you would like to read the article in its entirety please click the link above, thank you!

Let me start off with the following two articles below which outline what we will be going into today.     

Between 2016 and 2021, the Trudeau government admitted a record of over 1.3 million permanent immigrants into the country, all of whom will require medical services. This has put a significant strain on large urban areas such as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, which have borne the burden of the influx because they are where the lion’s share of immigrants settle. Toronto and Vancouver, in particular, already suffer from health-care shortages and unaffordable housing prices.

Canada’s immigration levels are disproportionate to other developed nations, taking in about four times as many immigrants as the United States on a per capita basis. To make matters worse, Ottawa’s screening is inept. Despite the staggering immigration numbers, the federal government has failed to address the shortage of skilled labour across the country by recruiting qualified tradespeople. For a closer look at the numbers, I have some detail from Stats Can below highlighting the quarterly & annual immigration numbers discussed above, but in further detail:

Canada's population was estimated at 39,566,248 on January 1, 2023, after a record population growth of 1,050,110 people from January 1, 2022, to January 1, 2023. Canada's population was estimated at 39,858,480 on April 1, 2023, an increase of 292,232 people (+0.7%) from January 1, 2023. This was the highest rate of growth in a first quarter for which comparable data are available (since 1972) and is a continuation of the higher growth rates observed over the previous four quarters. 
As we know, the liberals are forecasting 500k immigrants per year coming into Canada until 2025, which is the next official federal election date.

-       No one is blaming the immigrants that want to move here 
-       Yes this has probably kept us out of recession so far 
-       MAIN REASON - Yes the birth rates are down in this country (and plenty of others) and this will help bolster the economy & our population in years to come as it has in the past. – a very long term view with very VIVID short term consequences….. 
What is the economic stature of said immigrants? We don’t know that & I dont think the government knows either. BUT WHAT WE DO KNOW They will either effect the housing market in 1 of 2 ways, on a RENTAL or a BUYING level.  Vancouver / Toronto & Quebec are taking the majority of the people in which will feel the brunt of the effect.  

According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 3.5 million extra homes will be required on top of current housing start expectations to improve affordability in the next seven years.That conveniently equals = 500,000 homes per year. 

Who is in charge here: THE SHAKE UP!
AHMED HUSSEN – Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion of Canada – OUT - with no prior housing experience
SEAN FRASER – new housing minister coming from previous role, as minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship
Chrystia Freeland – here we have a journalist become the finance minister…. But don't worry, she is still in her position.

Change up in cabinet today as a last ditch effort to look like he is holding it all together amongst a large number of issues the country & specifically Vancouver is currently facing….. 
Is there an election coming sooner then 2025??????? 

When did this all begin…. Stretch but interesting:
This push to significantly increase the population was concocted at a weekend gathering in 2011 in Muskoka, Ont., led by Dominic Barton & Mark Wiseman. They created a Toronto-based lobbying group called the Century Initiative, which believes Canada’s population should reach 100 million by 2100. 
The group estimates that, given sagging birth rates, reaching their arbitrary goal of 100 million would require Canada to accept at least 500,000 immigrants a year, if not more. This has now become our official immigration policy, with the Trudeau Liberals targeting around half a million new immigrants per year. 

Reference to article details:
Vancouver from 3.3m – 11.9m (+8,600,000) = 111,688.312 people /yr…

And Canada is going to make matters worse by admitting upwards of 753,000 international students this year, which will further increase the cost of rentals.-       Quote from (global vision immigration.com) 

In the articles conclusion
This represents “an unprecedented swing in housing demand in a single year that is currently not fully reflected in official figures.”                                                                               

What can we really do about this…..?
Nothing other than vote. 
You have no say what happens on the municipal level
You have a very minimal voice when it comes to the federal level due to the way the Canadian voting system works but its your only chance….
